Successful LED Retrofits

Service & Maintenance

Successful LED retrofits rely on choosing the right product and the right installation company.

More and more companies are choosing to modernize their lighting to LED.  If your company is planning a retrofit or upgrade, it’s important to consider a few points when choosing the product to specify.

LED retrofits are financially attractive as they have a short ROI. Utility cost savings, sustainability and lowered maintenance costs all figure into the savings. 

When choosing your LED product, be sure to check the lumens, color temperature, color index and L70 rating.  The L-70 rating is the expected hours of operation until the light output has diminished to 70%.  Most products have ratings of 50K hours, 100K hours or even 200K+ hours.  A diode will likely stay lit well beyond its LM rating, but the depreciation of light output must be considered.  

It’s equally important to choose a recognized brand.  While LED module failure isn’t common, it does happen, so be sure the company you choose keeps an adequate supply of stock of the product you have purchased- within the U.S.  Supply chain issues can create situations of extended outages, or even replacement of the system itself. Choosing a well-known, quality, brand of LED  adds safeguards for your investment.

Whether your LED upgrade will be handled as a roll-out, or as needed on a case-by-case basis, be sure to specify and unify your product across your brand.  And be sure to choose an installation partner that understands LED technology and has your best interest in mind.

If you are considering the transition to LED, please give us a call.  We have the subject-matter expertise to ensure your program success.

Julie Lapacka

VP Service Sales

Priority Inc


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Julie Lapacka

VP, Service Sales




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