Sign Permits | How to get them & why they’re necessary.

Operations Project Management

To obtain permits for signage, the specific process can vary depending on your location and local regulations. However, here are some general steps you can follow:

  1. Research local regulations: Begin by researching the signage regulations and permitting requirements specific to your location. Check with the local government or municipal authorities responsible for zoning and permits.
  2. Understand the guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the guidelines and restrictions regarding signage size, placement, design, lighting, and any other relevant factors. These guidelines typically aim to maintain aesthetics, safety, and avoid obstructing public spaces.
  3. Prepare your design and documentation: Create a detailed design of your signage, including dimensions, materials, and any accompanying visuals. Additionally, gather any necessary documents, such as property ownership information, lease agreements, or other permits required by the local authorities.
  4. Submit your application: Contact the appropriate department or agency responsible for issuing signage permits. Fill out the necessary application forms and submit them along with the required documentation. Be sure to include all relevant details about your signage, following the guidelines and regulations.
  5. Pay the fees: Some permitting processes may involve fees. Ensure you are aware of the associated costs and pay any required fees during the application process. Keep records of payment for future reference.
  6. Await approval: Once you’ve submitted your application, allow time for the authorities to review and process it. This may take several weeks or more, depending on the workload and complexity of the permit application.
  7. Follow up and comply: If any additional information or modifications are requested during the review process, promptly provide the requested materials. Once your permit is approved, follow any conditions or guidelines outlined in the permit, such as installation timelines, maintenance requirements, or lighting restrictions.

Remember, it’s crucial to consult local authorities or professionals for accurate and up-to-date information regarding permitting processes in your specific area, as regulations can vary significantly.

Signage permits are necessary for several reasons:

  1. Compliance with regulations: Signage permits ensure that businesses and individuals comply with local regulations and zoning ordinances regarding signage. These regulations are in place to maintain visual aesthetics, safety, and the overall character of an area. Permits help prevent the installation of signs that may be overly large, obstructive, or visually distracting.
  2.  Public safety: Signage permits often incorporate safety considerations. They ensure that signs are installed properly, taking into account factors such as structural integrity, wind resistance, electrical safety (if applicable), and clear visibility for pedestrians and drivers. This helps prevent accidents or hazards that may arise from poorly designed or installed signs.
  3. Maintaining community standards: Signage permits help local authorities maintain community standards and protect the visual appeal of an area. They regulate factors such as sign size, placement, lighting, and overall design to ensure that signage contributes positively to the neighborhood or business district and doesn’t detract from its character or harm property values.
  4. Coordination and planning: Permitting processes allow local authorities to coordinate and plan the placement and appearance of signage within their jurisdiction. This helps manage visual clutter, maintain a cohesive aesthetic, and ensure that signs don’t interfere with other infrastructure or amenities such as traffic signals, utility lines, or public spaces.

By requiring signage permits, municipalities can strike a balance between allowing businesses and individuals to display their signs while ensuring that the community’s interests, safety, and overall aesthetics are upheld.

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Tripp Tapp

VP, Sales




Priority is a global turnkey brand implementation company. We partner with dynamic brands around the world to transform their physical spaces into immersive brand experiences through signage, graphics, and environments.

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