How to Avoid Delays and Budget Overruns In Physical Rebranding Projects

Project Management Rebranding Vendor Selection

Have you heard the quote, “I love it when a plan comes together”? 

There’s a reason this saying from the beloved 80’s TV show “The A-Team” still resonates with so many because experience teaches us that a goal without a plan, is just a wish.

In the world of branding & construction program management where we are facing supply chain disruption, labor shortages, and raw material increases, it has never been more evident that engaging your branding vendor farther upstream – when you bring on an architect – is beneficial to both budget and timeline. Too many projects experience long delays and cost overruns because a linear process is vulnerable to plan modifications that require re-engagement of architect and principals. A plan is far more likely ‘to come together’ if your brand environment partner is engaged at the very beginning. 

Here’s why:

  • Overcome local municipality & design regulations sooner.
    • Permitting your branding package can involve notarized documents, specialized board hearings, or lead times up to 16 weeks in some cities.  What does that look like for your timeline if you engage your branding vendor when you engage your architect & engineer? Projects that actually can stick to schedule
  • Get your cash registers ringing faster.
    • Proper due diligence & programming of brand standards from the get-go can lead to installation of your brand package up to 3 weeks ahead of schedule. We’ve tested it and have the data to back it up! Caveat: This takes transparency and communication on both sides to achieve great results.
  • Optimize Cost
    • Sharing your pipeline of projects sooner rather than later allows your vendor to consolidate materials, streamline workflow, and plan ahead. Did you know large projects run an average of 45% over budget and take 20% longer to finish than scheduled due to mismanagement of research, resources, and planning?  Find trusted partners and utilize their skillset to work on your behalf.

There’s always a “but” or lack of time to get vendors up to speed.  That’s why it’s imperative you look for a holistic branding strategy that includes an agile partner who knows where to focus, when, and the WHY.

It’s just smart planning.

Talk to an Expert

Lynn Pollack

VP, Sales




Priority is a global turnkey brand implementation company. We partner with dynamic brands around the world to transform their physical spaces into immersive brand experiences through signage, graphics, and environments.

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